Chapter 4 Data Visualization with ggplot2

4.1 Chapter 4 Objectives

This chapter is designed around the following learning objectives for basic data visualization in R. Upon completing this chapter, you should be able to:

  • Install, load, and use ggplot2 functions to visualize dataframe elements
  • Differentiate between data, aesthetics, and layers in a ggplot2 object
  • Customize element properties such as color, size, and shape in a ggplot2 layer
  • Create, store, and save a ggplot2 object in an R script

4.2 Install and load ggplot2

“The best design gets out of the way between the viewer’s brain and the content.” - Edward Tufte

In this chapter, you will learn how to make basic plots using the ggplot2 package in R, which is another package in tidyverse, like dplyr and readr. This section will focus on making useful, rather than attractive graphs because, at this stage, we are focusing on exploring data rather than presenting results to others. Later on, you will learn about how to customize ggplot2 objects. Customization often helps to make plots that “get out of the way” between the content you wish to present and the viewer’s brain, wherein you hope understanding takes root.

If you don’t already have ggplot2 installed, you’ll need to install it. You then need to load the package in your current session of R:

# install ggplot2 package (done once per R/RStudio installation)
# load ggplot2 in current R session

Alternatively, if you are planning on using other tidyverse R packages in the same R session, you can simply install and load the tidyverse “R package suite of R packages” with library(tidyverse).

4.3 Steps to create a ggplot2 object

The process of creating a plot using ggplot2 follows conventions that are a bit different than most of the code you’ve seen so far in R, although it is somewhat similar to the idea of piping I introduced in the last chapter. The basic steps behind creating a plot with ggplot2 are:

  1. Create an object of the ggplot2 class, typically specifying the data and some or all of the aesthetics

  2. Add a layer or geom to the plot, along with other specific elements, using +

Aesthetics or aes() in R represent the things that we are plotting: the x and y data. Geoms like geom_point() represent the way in which we layer the aesthetics onto the plot. The geom is the type of plot that we are calling.

You can layer on one or many geoms and other elements to create plots that range from very simple to very customized. We will start by focusing on simple geoms and added elements; later on, we will explore more options for customization.

4.4 Initializing a ggplot2 object

The first step in creating a plot using ggplot() is to create a ggplot object. This object will not, by itself, create a plot with anything in it. Instead, this first step typically specifies the data frame you want to use and which aesthetics will be mapped to certain columns of that data frame. Aesthetics are explained more in the next subsection.

Outside of a pipeline, you can use the following conventions to initialize a ggplot2 object:

## generic code; will not run
object <- ggplot(data = my_dataframe, aes(x = data_column_1, y = data_column_2))

The dataframe is the first parameter in a ggplot() function and, if you like, you can use the parameter definition with that call (e.g., data = dataframe). Aesthetics are defined within an aes() function call that is typically defined within the ggplot() function.

While the ggplot() call is the place where you will most often see an aes() call, you can also make calls to aes() within the calls to specific geoms. This can be particularly useful if you want to map aesthetics differently for different geoms in your plot. We’ll see some examples of this use of aes() more in later sections, when we talk about customizing plots. The data = argument can be used in specific geom calls to use different dataframes (from the one defined when creating the original ggplot object), although this is less common.

4.5 Plot aesthetics

Aesthetics are properties of the plot that can show certain elements of the data. For example, in Figure 4.1, we call an x-axis aesthetic (x = class) from the mpg dataset. We then plot counts of cars within different vehicle classes using geom_bar(). The mpg dataframe is included in the ggplot2 package; you can learn more about it by typing ?mpg (no parentheses) into the console after loading ggplot2 with library(ggplot2). You can also learn more by typing str(mpg) and head(mpg). As seen in Chapters 2 and 3, one should always look at the data upon import and examine the dataframe structure and variable classes.

According to ?mpg:

“This dataset contains a subset of the fuel economy data that the EPA makes available on It contains only models which had a new release every year between 1999 and 2008 - this was used as a proxy for the popularity of the car.”

# use ggplot() to map the data and a single aesthetic (variable = class)
ggplot(data = mpg, aes(x = class)) + 
  geom_bar() # call to a specific geom to plot the mapped data
Example of a simple call to `ggplot` showing counts of vehicle classes from the `mpg` dataframe.

Figure 4.1: Example of a simple call to ggplot showing counts of vehicle classes from the mpg dataframe.

Let’s call this plot again with a second aesthetic, the fill color, which will be mapped to drv, a variable in the mpg data frame that specifies vehicle drive type (i.e., 4-wheel, font-wheel, or rear-wheel). The x-position will continue to show vehicle class (class), but we will fill each bar with colors pertaining to drv (i.e., to show the counts within each vehicle class colored colored by drv).

# call to ggplot to map the data and a single aesthetic
ggplot(data = mpg, aes(x = class, fill = drv)) +
  geom_bar()  # call to a specific geom to plot the mapped data
Example of a call to `ggplot` showing counts of vehicle classes from the `mpg` dataframe and colored by the `fill` aesthetic mapped to drive type (`drv`).

Figure 4.2: Example of a call to ggplot showing counts of vehicle classes from the mpg dataframe and colored by the fill aesthetic mapped to drive type (drv).

What new information can we learn from the Figure 4.2? For starters, we can see that compact and mid-size cars tend to be front-wheel drive, whereas pickups and SUVs (who tend to share the same chassis) tend to be 4-wheel drive. This result is not surprising to anyone who studies cars and trucks, but it’s nice to confirm one’s knowledge with quantitative data!

ggplot() will choose colors and add legends to plots when an aesthetic mapping creates such opportunities. You will learn ways to customize colors, legends, and other plot elements later.

Which aesthetics are required for a plot depend on which geoms (more on those in a second) you’re adding to the plot. You can find out the aesthetics you can use for a geom in the “Aesthetics” section of the geom’s helpfile (e.g., ?geom_bar). Required aesthetics are often shown in bold in this section of the helpfile. You can also view a concise summary of aesthetic specification by typing vignette("ggplot2-specs") into the R console. Common plot aesthetics you might want to specify include:

Table 4.1: Common Plot Aesthetics
Code Description
x Variable to plot on x-axis
y Variable to plot on y-axis
shape Shape of the element being plotted
color Color of border of elements
fill Color of inside of elements
size Size of the element
alpha Transparency (1: opaque; 0: transparent)
linetype Type of line (e.g., solid, dashed)

4.6 Adding geoms

When creating plots, you’ll often want to add more than one geom to the plot. You can add these with + after the ggplot() statement to initialize the ggplot2 object. Some of the most common geoms are:

Table 4.2: A Few Basic Geom Types
Plot type ggplot2 function
Histogram (1 numeric variable) geom_histogram()
Scatterplot (2 numeric variables) geom_point()
Boxplot (1 numeric variable, possibly 1 factor variable) geom_boxplot()
Line graph (2 numeric variables) geom_line()

A common error when writing ggplot2 code is to put the + to add a geom or element at the beginning of a line rather than the end of a previous line. In this case, R will try to execute the call too soon. If R gets to the end of a line and there is no indication to continue the call (e.g., %>% for piping or + for ggplot2 plots), R interprets that as a message to run the call without reading in further code. Thus, to avoid errors, be sure to end each line in ggplot2 calls with +, except for the final line when the call is actually done. Don’t start lines with +.

4.6.1 Aesthetic override: a warning

The ggplot2 package, like many tidyverse packages, is both flexible and forgiving, designed to accommodate the user by “filling in the blanks” when no information is provided. For example, in the ggplot() call that created Figure 4.2, we didn’t specify the colors to be used or the contents of the legend; instead, ggplot2 figured those out for us. The ggplot2 package is also somewhat flexible in how calls and aesthetic mappings can be structured. For example, the following four calls all produce the same (identical) plot as shown in Figure 4.2. Try it for yourself.

# call to ggplot() with aes() specified in main call
ggplot(data = mpg, aes(x = class, fill = drv)) +

# call to ggplot() with aes() specified in geom
ggplot(data = mpg) +
geom_bar(aes(x = class, fill = drv))

# call to ggplot() with a mix of aes() mappings 
ggplot(data = mpg, aes(x = class)) +
geom_bar(aes(fill = drv))

# call to ggplot() with all mappings in the geom 
ggplot() +
geom_bar(data = mpg, aes(x = class, fill = drv))

For most plots that you make, the first example is best, where the aesthetics are called out as arguments within the main call to ggplot(), such as:

ggplot(data = mpg, aes(x = class, fill = drv)) +

In this case, the geom_bar() function inherits the aesthetics that were called above in the main ggplot call. Specifying aesthetics in the main call to ggplot() makes it easier to keep track of what you are trying to do!

The ggplot flexibility also comes with occasional confusion, as you can often override one mapping with another one later on in the same call. For example, see what happens when two different fill mappings are specified at different points in the call:

# call to ggplot where one `fill` overrides another
ggplot(data = mpg, aes(x = class, fill = drv)) +
  geom_bar(fill = "darkgreen")
Example of a call to `ggplot` showing counts of vehicle classes from the `mpg` dataframe and colored by a `fill` aesthetic override.

Figure 4.3: Example of a call to ggplot showing counts of vehicle classes from the mpg dataframe and colored by a fill aesthetic override.

In this case, the aesthetic mapping of aes(fill = drv) was overridden by the specification in geom_bar(), where we wrote fill = "darkgreen". This second specification essentially wiped away the stacked bar colors and the legend, as shown in Figure 4.2. As your ggplot2 objects become more customized this sort of issue can arise; it comes with the territory of having flexible code.

4.7 Shapes and colors

In R, you can specify the shape of points with a number. Figure 4.4 shows the shapes that correspond to the numbers 1 to 25 in the shape aesthetic. This figure also provides an example of the difference between color (black for all these example points) and fill (red for these examples). You can see that some point shapes include a fill (21 for example), while some are either empty (1) or solid (19).

Examples of the shapes corresponding to different numeric choices for the `shape` aesthetic. For all examples, `color` is set to black and `fill` to red.

Figure 4.4: Examples of the shapes corresponding to different numeric choices for the shape aesthetic. For all examples, color is set to black and fill to red.

If you want to set color to be a constant value, you can do that in R using character strings for different colors. Figure 4.5 gives an example of some of the different blues available in R. To find links to listings of different R colors, look up “R colors” and search by “Images”. Note that colors are specified as character strings and define using quotes " ". See the code chunk for Figure 4.3 where color is defined by fill = "darkgreen".

Example of available shades of blue in R.

Figure 4.5: Example of available shades of blue in R.

4.8 Scales: useful plot edits

The ggplot2 package uses scales as a way to make all sorts of tweaks and changes to how the plot is presented. According to the ggplot2 documentation:

“Scales control the details of how data values are translated to visual properties. Override the default scales to tweak details like the axis labels or legend keys, or to use a completely different translation from data to aesthetic.”

There are many scale elements that you can add onto a ggplot2 object using +. A few that are used very frequently are:

Table 4.3: Common Scale Elements
Element Description
ggtitle() Plot title
xlab(), ylab() Labels for x- and y-axis
xlim(), ylim() Limits of x- and y-axis
scale_x_log10() Log scale of x-axis

Note: There is also a separate R package called scales, which has various function options to automatically detect and show breaks and labels for axes and legends. These additional functions can be called on a ggplot object.

4.9 ggplot2 example 1

For the example plots, we will continue to use the mpg dataset from the ggplot2 package. We will use functions from the dplyr package, too, so both need to be loaded. Fortunately, the ggplot2 package is loaded in addition to regular tidyverse packages when you call library(tidyverse).

The first example is actually of two similar scatterplots: one using geom_point() and one using geom_jitter(). These plots will examine the agreement (i.e., the correlation) between a vehicle’s highway (hwy) and city (cty) fuel economies for model year 2008.

Because the mpg dataset contains data from model year 1999 and 2008, we will apply a dplyr::filter() command within our call to ggplot() to limit the data to year == 2008.

We will also color the points on the plot according to the class of vehicle.
If you are wondering what types of vehicle classes are included with mpg, you could type unique(mpg$class) or, if you want to see a quantitative summary, you could pipe together the following:

# quantitative summary in pipe
mpg %>% 
  dplyr::filter(year == 2008) %>%
  dplyr::group_by(class) %>%
  dplyr::tally() %>% 
## # A tibble: 7 × 2
##   class          n
##   <chr>      <int>
## 1 2seater        3
## 2 compact       22
## 3 midsize       21
## 4 minivan        5
## 5 pickup        17
## 6 subcompact    16
## 7 suv           33
# alternative
mpg %>% 
  dplyr::filter(year == 2008) %>% 
# load required R packages
library(dplyr) # for data wrangling and manipulation
library(ggplot2) # for data visualization
## alternatively, use `library(tidyverse)`, if you will need multiple packages

ggplot2::ggplot() +
  geom_point(data = dplyr::filter(mpg, year == 2008), # filter data
             aes(x = hwy, y = cty, color = class)) # assign x, y, and color
Scatterplot (geom_point) of highway vs. city fuel economy for model year 2008, colored by vehicle type

Figure 4.6: Scatterplot (geom_point) of highway vs. city fuel economy for model year 2008, colored by vehicle type

A few things to note about this plot. First, there is a clear relationship between a vehicle’s highway and city fuel economy, but the correlation is not necessarily one-to-one. Second, we can see that compact and midsize cars tend to have better fuel efficiency that pickups and SUVs (…duh). Third, in my opinion, this plot has a few drawbacks:

  • If you were paying close attention, the sum of the tally() function above reported over 100 different entries (117 to be precise), but the plot above shows only about 50 data points… Why? (Hint: if you look at the mpg data, the fuel economies are rounded to the nearest mile per gallon.)
    • We will address this issue with geom_jitter() below.
  • The limits of the x- and y-axes are not equal, which distorts the relationship a bit.
    • We will address this issue with coord_fixed() below.
  • The relationship between cty and hwy might be easier to distinguish if we drew a “one-to-one” line on the plot (i.e., y = x).
    • We will accomplish this need with geom_abline below.
  • Personally, I don’t like the grey background and I think that the x and y axis labels are a little vague. I prefer my axis labels to be more descriptive and to communicate the units being plotted.
    • We will use a theme_ call to clean up the background and will specify axis labels with xlab() and ylab() elements.

Below is the same data from Figure 4.6 plotted using geom_jitter(). This geom is just like geom_point() except that it allows the plotted points to contain some “jitter” (a small amount of wobble as to where the point actually shows up in x and y space) so that overlapping data points can be distinguished from one another. The degree of jitter is set using height = and/or width = arguments. Note that adding jitter to data is the same as making the plotted data less precise (in a random way) so be careful not to add too much jitter to a plot—aim for just enough jitter so that the points are visible without impacting the overall conclusion to be drawn from the plot.

We can also add a degree of transparency to the plotted data by using alpha = 0.6 within the geom_jitter() layer. The alpha = argument is available in most geoms within the ggplot2 package and allows you to set the degree of transparency between 0 (transparent) and 1 (completely solid).

We add a one-to-one line (y = x) that communicates what perfect agreement between variables would look like. This is accomplished using geom_abline() (the name comes from drawing a line between points a and b on a plot). A geom_abline() call requires us to specify a slope and an intercept, which we will set to 1 and 0, respectively.

Finally, we clean up the plot by:

  • fixing the scale of the x and y axes (i.e., ensuring that 10 units of x distance are equal to 10 units of y distance) by specifying a fixed coordinate system with coord_fixed();
  • adding x and y axis labels using strings as arguments to xlab() and ylab() elements; and
  • setting a theme for the plot that removes the grey background using theme_minimal().
# call to ggplot, note that data and aesthetics are called in first geom layer
ggplot2::ggplot() +
  # first geom layer (jitter)
  geom_jitter(data = dplyr::filter(mpg, year == 2008),
             aes(x = hwy, y = cty, color = class),
             width = 0.4,
             alpha = 0.6,
             size = 2) +
  # second geom layer (line)
  geom_abline(intercept = 0,
              slope = 1, 
              color = "grey",
              linetype = "dashed") +
  # fix x and y coordinates to be equal in relative scale
  coord_fixed() +
  # set axis limits
  xlim(c(0,40)) +
  ylim(c(0,40)) +
  # add axis labels
  xlab("Highway Fuel Economy, mi/gal") +
  ylab("City Fuel Economy, mi/gal") +
  # adopt theme without grey background
Scatterplot (geom_jitter) of highway vs. city fuel economy for model year 2008, colored by vehicle type

Figure 4.7: Scatterplot (geom_jitter) of highway vs. city fuel economy for model year 2008, colored by vehicle type

4.10 ggplot2 example 2

In the second example, we will look at highway fuel efficiency for SUVs in 2008, ordered by manufacturer and colored by the engine displacement size in liters. We create subsets of the mpg dataframe in two ways:

  1. We create a summary dataframe (mpg_subset) by applying two filter() calls on the mpg object. We then group_by() the manufacturer so that average values for highway fuel economy (hwy_mean) and engine displacement (displ_mean) can be calculated through a call to summarize().

  2. We subset the mpg dataframe again, this time directly within the data = call for ggplot().

  • The first layer (geom_jitter()) is a point plot that adds a slight amount of “wobble” or “jitter” to the data points so that they don’t overlap on the plot. Here, we have called geom_jitter() to display the individual values for 2008 SUV fuel economy on the highway as a function of manufacturer.

  • The second layer (geom_errorbar()) is a horizontal line plot showing the mean values for SUV models within each manufacturer. The geom_errorbar() function is often used to show precision (or uncertainty) about data; here we are using it to identify a single value (the mean) for each SUV manufacturer.

We also add custom labels and a color scale to investigate whether engine displacement has an effect on fuel efficiency. Note the additional aesthetic calls for color = in each layer. The final part of the call in theme_classic() tells ggplot() to remove the gray background and the grid lines, which are neither necessary nor visually appealing.

# use dplyr to create a summary subset from the `mpg` dataframe
mpg_subset <- mpg %>%
  dplyr::filter(class == "suv", year == 2008) %>%
  dplyr::group_by(manufacturer) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(hwy_mean = mean(hwy), displ_mean = mean(displ))

# call to ggplot, note that data and aesthetics are called in each geom layer
ggplot() +
  # first layer - note the main dataframe was called
  geom_point(data = filter(mpg, class == "suv" & year == 2008),
           aes(x = manufacturer, 
               y = hwy, 
               color = displ),
           size = 2) +
  # second layer - note the subset dataframe was called 
  geom_errorbar(data = mpg_subset,
             aes(x = manufacturer,
                 ymin = hwy_mean,
                 ymax = hwy_mean,
                 color = displ_mean),
             size = 1) +
  # customize plot labels
  labs(title = "Fuel Economy for 2008 SUVs by Manufacturer and Engine Displacement",
       color = "Disp (L)") +
  ylab("highway fuel economy (miles/gal)") +
  # add a fancy color scale
  scale_colour_stepsn(colours = hcl.colors(n=5, palette = "plasma")) +
  # adopt a theme without a gray background
  theme_classic() +
  # enclose the plot on all sides with a black line
  theme(panel.background = element_rect(color = "black",
                                        size = 1))
A two-layer (two `geom`) plot with customization

Figure 4.8: A two-layer (two geom) plot with customization

What conclusions can you draw from examining Figure 4.8? In general, model year 2008 SUVs did not have great fuel economy, evidenced by both the means and the individual data points.

4.11 Store and save ggplot2 objects

Sometimes, you will want to store a ggplot2 plot as an object in your global environment, so that it can be called or manipulated later. This is done in the same way as you would create and assign a name to any other object in R. But remember to use descriptive plot names following the naming advice from Chapter 3 (i.e., meaningful words; lowercase; underscore as separator).

In the following example, plot1 does not follow proper naming conventions!

# create a ggplot object called "plot1"
plot1 <- ggplot(data = mpg, aes(x = class)) +

When you create and store a ggplot() object, the plot itself will be created and stored but not returned as output.If you want to “see” the plot, just enter its name into the console or script, and it will appear in the Viewer pane.

You can also save ggplot2 plots as image files to a local directory using the ggsave() function. This function requires a file name but also allows you to specify parameters including image resolution (dpi = 300), image type (device = png()), and image height, width and units of measurement.

# create a ggplot object called "plot1"
plot1 <- ggplot(data = mpg, aes(x = class)) +

       plot = plot1,
       dpi = 150,
       device = png(),
       width = 20,
       units = "cm")

4.12 Getting help with ggplot2

The ggplot2 package has become so popular that most of my “how do I do this?” questions have already been asked, answered, and archived on sites like Stack Overflow.

Another great source is the ggplot2 reference section on the tidyverse site. This page contains a nice, concise summary of how to call and customize plot objects. I recommend starting there because (1) it is created and maintained by the ggplot2 developers (and, thus, is authoritative) and (2) the reference page contains all the function calls in an organized list, for which you can conduct a ‘control/command F’ search. You can also print this RStudio ggplot2 cheat sheet to reference while coding.

If you would like some hands-on training in ggplot2, look for tutorials or webinars like this one from Dr. Samantha Tyner, the creator and maintainer of geomnet, a ggplot2 extension. Speaking of which, the R community has created a large number of ggplot2 extensions for different data visualization needs. If you are thinking about a custom ggplot style, it probably already exists! Before building your own (which is sometimes necessary and/or fun), take a look at this compilation of ggplot2 extensions.

4.13 Chapter 4 Homework

You will continue to work with the ozone measurement data introduced in the previous chapter.

On Canvas, download the R Markdown template (.Rmd), which includes a description of the data, the homework questions, and the general framework of code-figure-text integration, including the framework for a code appendix. Save the data and template files in your local R Project in the /data and /homework folders, respectively. You should already have the ozone data (.csv) saved in your /data folder.

Remember to check and set your working directory (e.g., Session > Set Working Directory > To Source File Location) to point from the R Markdown file and detect the data file in /data and also points to /figs as the place to save figures and images, which is determined in the R Markdown global option chunk I include in the R Markdown template.

This homework assignment is due at the start of the class when we begin Chapter 5. We will look for the R Markdown file and the corresponding knitted PDF or HTML document within your /homework file. Remember, make regular, memorable commits, so you never lose your work. Your work will be considered late if the latest knit occurs after the deadline.